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Applications will be considered after an initial interview. Please first complete the information here and someone will be in touch with you.
NOTE: Upon completion of the above form, the applicant will be notified within thirty (30) business days as to acceptance or non-acceptance. Following notification of acceptance, the applicant will receive information relevant to registration, classes, and attendance.
A personal or telephone interview with the Dean is required for new students prior to registration for courses or degree programs.
The Dean will contact the student for scheduling this interview.
Academic background: If you attended a traditional school, please have that school send an official transcript directly to the New Geneva office (PO Box 778 Appomattox VA 24522). If you were entirely home-schooled, please send copies of any documents indicating your achievements (test results, certifications, etc.). New Geneva welcomes and encourages applicants who were home-schooled, even if they do not have much by the way of documentation.
Please do not be dissuaded from applying if you cannot produce any official certifications or transcripts.
Please send two (2) letters of recommendation to the New Geneva Admissions Office. One should be from your pastor and the other from an officer in your church (elder or deacon), or a person who can verify your educational experience (teacher, tutor, etc.). These letters should not be from relatives. The recommendations should clearly indicate the person’s position and relationship to the applicant. These letters of recommendation can be sent
directly to the New Geneva Admissions Office via the form above or by mail.
A one-time, non-refundable application fee of $35, payable to the Institute for Theonomic Reformation (ITR) will be required upon official registration of courses after the interview. This application fee must be paid before any course syllabus and reading list is released to the student.
If you have any questions about this application form, please contact the registrar at; or call (434) 352-2667.
Fee Schedule:
All students are charged on a per class basis. Upon graduation, all Associate, Bachelor, and Master degree students are expected to submit a transcript and diploma processing fee of $150 payable to the New Geneva’s parent legal entity The Institute for Theonomic Reformation (ITR).
Eligible doctoral students who have already earned a master’s degree and who are pursuing a Th.D., are required to pay $3500. This fee covers all processing and diploma fees. Depending on the research topic some additional Geneva course may be required. Registration into the doctoral program entitles the student to two (2) New Geneva courses if deemed necessary to complete the doctoral work. [By way of comparison, the average fee for doctoral studies elsewhere can run upwards of $10,000.]
All students are invited to use the on-campus library and media resources if that is geographically possible. New Geneva has limited housing for distant students. All administration and course fees are to be paid upon receipt of invoicing unless a payment plan option is agreed upon. Assistance for financial hardships will be handled on a case-by-case basis and will be decided solely at the discretion of the New Geneva Christian Leadership Academy’s Board of Directors. Contact the registrar for more information.