Biblical Government
GOV 200 Principles of Christian Politics
This course is a primer to all government courses setting the stage for a series of studies in political science, philosophy, and practice.
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Cost: $300. (3 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)
GOV 210 Christian Civil Government
This course continues to examine the many aspects of government and politics from a Biblical perspective.
Instructor: Dr. Hector Falcon
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $300. (3 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)
GOV 220 Biblical Principles of Government
This course works alongside GOV 210 and is an in-depth study of Governing principles and policies as they compare to Scripture.
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $300 (3 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)
GOV 260 Principles of Christian Reconstruction
This course sets a number of principles for Christian Reconstruction from the books of Ezra and Nehemiah.
Instructor: Dr. Hector Falcon
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $300. (3 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)
GOV 300: America’s Christian Republic
This course focuses upon the American System analyzing it from the Biblical and Historical perspective.
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $300. (3 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)
GOV 320 Theology of the State
Statist theology has always been the destruction of the individual and the nation. It is a tyrannical system and needs to be addresses as such. This course both identifies that system and seeks to undermine its power through the work of the Christian community.
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $300. (3 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)
GOV 340 Law, Liberty, & The State
This series covers various aspects of Liberty and how it is directly connected with God’s Law and the relationship with the state.
Instructor: Rev. Dr Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $300. (3 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)
GOV 380 Reformation and Resistance
This course teaches on the history and ethical responsibility for Civil resistance to tyrannical governments.
Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $400. (4 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)