Christian History

HIST 300 – History of the Reformation

This course is a comprehensive course in the Reformation taught by Rev. Dr. Joe Morecraft via his lecture series. Additional readings will also be a part of this course. A great corresponding course to HIST 300. In addition, students will be assigned a final paper about a specific area that the Reformation has had in positively effecting Western civilization.

Proctoring Instructor:
Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $400. (4 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)

HIST 310 – The Reformation’s Impact on Western Civilization

This course focuses on the impact of the Reformation on Western social and legal traditions. Texts include Douglas F. Kelly’s “The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World,” David W. Hall’s “The Genevan Reformation and the American Founding,” and Harold J. Berman’s “Law and Revolution II”. By the end of the course students should have a thorough understanding of the Reformation’s transformative effect on Western civilization. In addition, students will be assigned a final paper about a specific area that the Reformation has had in positively affecting Western civilization.

Proctoring Instructor:
Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $400. (4 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)

HIST 320 – Historical Theology

Historical Theology traces the development of theology from the time of the Apostles to the present day. This course can be taken as a graduate tract.

Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence, independent study & On campus
Course Fee: $400. (4 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)

Graduate/Seminary level: HIST 620

Graduate/Seminary level Historical Theology HIST 620

This is the graduate tract of Historical Theology which traces the development of theology from the time of the Apostles to the present day. This graduate level examines this topic in extreme depth.

Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence, independent study & On campus
Course Fee: $600. (6 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)

HIST 380 – Church History

This course examines the history of the Christian Church throughout the centuries from the time of the Apostles to the modern era.

Proctoring Professor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $100/credit 4 Credit hours $400.

HIST 400 – Evangelism and Revival

This course examines the roots of revival and evangelism from a theological and a historical perspective.

Proctoring Professor:
Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $400 (4 Credit hours @ $100/credit).

HIST 440 Historiography and the Philosophy of History

Historiography is the writing of history based upon the critical examination of primary and secondary sources. This course deals with history from the philosophical perspective of Christianity.

Proctoring Professor:
Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $400 (4 Credit hours @ $100/hr)

HIST 460 Puritanism

The Puritans are often considered the Grand fathers of Western Civilization. Their influence on America and Western Culture is a powerful testimony of their Christian faith. To understand America, its founding and its structure one must understand the Puritans.

Proctoring Professors
: Prof Bill Potter &  Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $400 (4 Credit hours @ $100/hr)