Christian Epistemology

EPI 200 -Introduction to Christian Epistemology 

All philosophical epistemology is based upon a belief system and thus is religious in nature and scope. This is an overview of various trends and ideas in Epistemology including some of the more influential personalities from the ancients through to the Modern era.

This course will provide an overview of major areas of epistemological thought—such as epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics—as well as major thinkers in the history of the human philosophical tradition. Emphasis will be placed on how the various issues that come up in the history of philosophical thought ultimately must be seen in the context of the antithesis between Christian and non-Christian worldviews and the practical implications of these ideas in Christian and non-Christian ethics.

Proctoring Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $300. (3 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)

EPI 210 – Scripture and the Epistemology of the U.S. Constitutional

This course discovers, and analyses historical primary source documents while exploring Constitutional Epistemology considering the doctrine of Covenantal Government. This course is a comparative course with Constitutional Law and Political Epistemology and can be taken in sequence with these other courses.

Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence Course
Fee: $300. (3 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)

EPI 220 – Political Epistemology & The Sacred Canon

This course is an excellent primer for those interested in the history and epistemology of political thought and legal ideology from a Biblical perspective. This is a lecture based course which covers both philosophy and politics from the beginning of Creation through antiquity to Puritan and Enlightenment.

Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: On campus
Course Fee: $400. (4 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)

EPI 240 – Christian Apologetics

This is an introductory course using lectures from Dr. R.J. Rushdoony.

Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $400. (4 Credit Hours @$100/hr)

EPI 250 – Defending the Faith – Studies in Applied Christian Apologetics

This course focuses on defending Christianity against attacks from all other philosophies and religions. This is another advanced course where students will be trained to think presuppositionally by making the Bible the starting point of their defense and learning to refute nonChristian worldviews. These lectures are by Dr Gordon Clark and Dr. John Robbins and should be a welcomed addition to the series study of Apologetics.

Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $300. (3 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)

EPI 260 – Presuppositional Christian Apologetics

This course focuses on defending Christianity against attacks from all other philosophies and religions. As such students will be trained to think presuppositionally by making the Bible the starting point of their defense and learning to refute nonChrisitan worldviews by conducting an internal critique of their first principles. Students will learn from two of the most able defenders of the faith, Greg L. Bahnsen and Vincent Chueng. In addition, students will be required to write a final paper applying presuppositionalism to refute one of the following worldviews: Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Roman Catholicism, or a false-Christian cult (e.g., Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witness).

Proctor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $300. (3 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)

EPI – Historical Apologetics

This course focuses on both Historical Apologetics and compares it with Biblical Apologetics as it existed throughout the Early Church and the periods after. These lectures are taken form the teaching of Dr. John Robbins and are seminary level studies.

Instructor: Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond
Format: Correspondence
Course Fee: $400. (4 Credit Hours @ $100/hr)