
Have you ever wished you could read one book each day, or even one book every week? Just think about the information you could gain by reading just one book every week.
The Ultra Reading Strategy is an ultra learning experience. What most people don’t realize is that there is a difference between smart aggressive reading and passive reading. Passive reading is slow and painstaking with little retention after the material is read. The Ultra Reading Strategy will teach you how to read with a purpose that translates into full retention.
In The Complete Ultra Reading Strategy, educator and dean of the New Geneva Christian Leadership Academy, Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond, walks you through a proven process of reading and study skills that he has used for years to increase productivity in twelve easy steps.
Maximize your reading and retention potential and become the smartest person in the room. Readers are indeed leaders.
Download the ebook today and begin applying these steps for maximum leverage.

This ebook features seven pages of step by step helps toward better reading. It’s available in downloadable pdf format for $1.99.

While you’re at it, consider adding another book to your cart so you’re ready to practice these tips.

About the author

Having established an institute for higher theological learning and Christian scholarship, Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond is a motivational speaker who challenges his listeners to carry out the dominion mandate in their own communities.

Raymond is the pastor of the Reformed Bible Church (RBC) in Central Virginia which is committed to the Reformed tradition of “Sola Scriptura,” with a strong emphasis upon the Christian’s Cultural Mandate of Genesis 1:28. Originally established in 1992 in Suffolk County New York, Dr. Raymond, along with others of the RBC session, expanded the ministry in 1998 by planting a church in Virginia, and by 2001 established the Institute for Theonomic Reformation. In 2009 the work continued to expand with the establishment of The New Geneva Christian Leadership Academy; an undergraduate, graduate and seminary level scholarship training entity.

Rev. Raymond is a graduate of Whitefield Theological Seminary, holds a Masters degree from Whitefield, and a doctorate from Almeda Theological University. The Reformed Bible Church is affiliated with The Alliance of Reformed and Theonomic Churches (ARTC) of which Dr. Raymond is a founding member. Regnum enim Christi, Deo Vindice!

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